
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
SVP089 - I'm Already On A Watchlist
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
The Scrubverse Crew (minus an Eddie for this episode) gathered to talk over a recent Guilty Gear tournament's turnout, pay their respects to the rapper Earl Simmons (AKA: DMX), hide in bathrooms from crazy neighbors, and go over the latest happenings in the video game world. Sony appears to have a hyper focus on a 'Blockbuster Only' future for the Playstation brand, a new advanced mask is already upon us, and a new developing tale of poor sales for another ambitious albeit misguided venture from Yuji Naka.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Best Band of the Universe" by Galactikraken & Jonathan Young
Music Provided by Jonathan Young
Edited by Mr. Haru
- Sony is obsessed with Blockbusters
- Rapper will.i.am is selling a smart mask for $299
- Twitch will punish users for certain harmful offline behavior
- Sales figures suggest that Balan Wonderworld reportedly sold roughly 2,000 physical copies in Japan

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
SVP088 - The Razer Mask Stays On During Sex
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
A Snorlax, a Teddie Fuerte, Sonic, and a beanie wearing editor star in the newest Scrubverse Podcast episode to discuss the rare times that cancel culture attempts backfire, inspirations that led us to our creative outlets, and video games that helped our mental health. We also remind you that physical video gaming will always have a place in the industry, talk about new 'Switch Pro' rumors, and say who we'd imitate while wearing the new Razer Mask!
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "The Shimmering Ether of Satorl" by Kade Kalka
Music Provided by OCRemix
Edited by Mr. Haru
Report: PS3, Vita, And PSP Stores To Be Permanently Closed In A Few Months
Nintendo to Use Faster Nvidia Chips in New 2021 Switch Model
Cyberpunk 2077 lead designer leaves CDPR after 8 years
Razer is actually making its concept RGB face mask

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
SVP087 - When Are We Finishing Sonic ‘06?
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Shut the f-ck up and calm down. We discuss Sony's acquisition of EVO and the implications that could soon follow suit. Plus, Blizzard rears it's ugly head once more, and Rockstar Games gives the rock star treatment to one of it's modders for GTA.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Hacking the JANUS System" by Julien Mulard
Music Provided by OCRemix
Edited by Mr. Haru
- Blizzard lays off fifty employees in it’s Live Events Departments
- Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick reportedly due to receive $200m payout
- Rockstar pays $10,000 to modder who fixed GTA Online loading times

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
SVP086 - Crank That Part II
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
When you gonna learn, Soulja Boy? Mr. One-Hit-Wonder is back for another legal beating as he tries to release another home console - now with Fortnite! Plus Microsoft seals the deal on the Bethesda deal, and we discuss which console generation had the smallest impact.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Let the Decisive Battle on the Big Bridge Begin!" by Ivan Hakštok, Juan Medrano
Music Provided by OCRemix

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
SVP085 - Frogware Can't Catch a Break for The Sinking City
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
WHAT?! You mean Elden Ring wasn't a lie?! We talk updates on the newly uncovered build of Elden Ring, as well as the new accusations coming from Frogware as The Sinking City is hacked and stolen by Nacon, and finally some more rumors/news on the New Nintendo Switch - including OLED and 4K support!
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Black Feathers in the Sky" by MkVaff
Music Provided by OCRemix
- The Sinking City developer Frogware accuses new publisher Nacon of Piracy
- https://www.ign.com/articles/sinking-city-disappeared-frogwares-nacon-bigben-royalties
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-01-05-the-sinking-city-returns-to-stores-as-nacon-wins-first-decision-in-ongoing-legal-dispute
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-02-26-the-sinking-city-developer-asks-users-not-to-buy-its-game-on-steam
- https://twitter.com/Frogwares/status/1365385278140133378
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-03-01-nacon-blames-frogwares-for-feature-lacking-steam-version-of-the-sinking-city
- https://twitter.com/thesinkingcity/status/1366483130278961159
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYTSt5oOr5g
- https://frogwares.com/how-nacon-cracked-and-pirated-the-sinking-city/
- https://www.ign.com/articles/the-sinking-city-developer-frogwares-says-to-not-buy-the-game-on-steam
- Specs of New Nintendo Switch allegedly leaked

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
SVP084 - It Was Weird Hearing All These Dead People Talk to Me
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Nintendo give Sony the one-two punch with back-to-back, solid presentations with the Pokémon Direct. The State of Play was..... Anyway, the evil that is Anthem has finally bit the dust, EA pulls monetization schemes from Dragon Age, and E3's Live Show has been thrown in the dumpster - yet again. Stick around for more dumb questions!
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Mysterious Invasion" by jmabate, Audio Mocha
Music Provided by OCRemix
- The Evil has been slain, Anthem turns to Dust
- Electronic Arts Removes Multiplayer Mode From Dragon Age Game in Big Pivot
- E3 2021's Live Show Has Been Cancelled According To LA Tourism Documents

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
SVP083 - Shocking How Fast It Came
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
After over a year, Nintendo finally graces us with a Nintendo Direct. Gather up as the boys discuss what games they're most excited about and what we could have done without. Plus, Google and Sony both get slapped with Class Action Lawsuits for promises made for Stadia and drifting on the DualSense controllers, respectively. And we discuss potential rumors to Konami outsourcing the Castlevania and Metal Gear IPs.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Malicious Intent" by SPIRAL_SYSTEM
Music Provided by OCRemix
- Google faces possible class-action lawsuit over game resolution on Stadia
- https://9to5google.com/2021/02/18/stadia-4k-lawsuit-class-action/
- https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-11-25-google-issues-statement-after-stadia-owners-say-it-broke-promises-over-game-performance
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUih5C5rOrA&t=1586s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUih5C5rOrA&t=1461s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUih5C5rOrA&t=1493s
- PS5 DualSense Controller Drift: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Sony
- https://chimicles.com/sony-ps5-dualsense-controller-drift-class-action-investigation/
- https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-dualsense-controller-drift-class-action-lawsuit-filed-against-sony
- https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/kb8cb6/anyone_else_experiencing_dualsense_stick_drift/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jvw04p/my_dualsenses_right_stick_starts_drifting/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jzkqf7/in_case_you_didnt_know_the_dualsense_is_in_fact/
- Rumour: Konami to Outsource Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania Ips

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
SVP082 - It's a M E T H Lab
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Let's see if Apple bitches about this title.
Stadia loses major indie support by screwing over the creators of Terraria, CD Projeckt's source code for Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 gets auctioned on the dark web, and it turns out that scalpers have tapped into 15% of the market for the PS5.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "Malicious Intent" by SPIRAL_SYSTEM
Music Provided by OCRemix
- Stadia port of Terraria canceled after co-creator locked out of Google accounts
- Stolen Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 source code sold at dark web auction
- Analysis reveals scalpers managed to snatch 10-15% of all consoles

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
SVP081 - Eddie Doesn't Know How To Count
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Chris died this week, so Corey and Eddie step up in this episode to discuss the Superb Owl, Corey vs Austin Creed in Windjammers 2, and Eddie's adventures in arcade stick modding. Also, they dissect the SHOCKING news of Google puling the plug on Stadia, WB Games securing their Nemesis System patent, and how the Xbox Series S has created hurdles for next-gen game developers.
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "EEVEE used Swift!" by AlmightyArceus
Music Provided by OCRemix
- Google Stadia Shuts Down All Of Its First Party Studios
- WB Games' Nemesis System Patent Was Approved This Week After Multiple Attempts
- Xbox Series S console increasingly seen as a next-gen hurdle

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
SVP080 - I've Rubbed One Out to Poison
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
American civil liberties are at stake, and GameStop is the battleground. The boys gather up to talk about stocks and index funds and how it relates to the gaming world at large. Plus we discuss more rumors of a potential takeover that Microsoft may be planning, SEGA is cleaning out of Sonic the Hedgehog's English voice cast, and "what a surprise" - AMD says chipsets will be sparse through the first half of 2021. Who would have thought?
Follow us on Twitter: ScrubVerse | AntiChris | Corey aka "Tornado Jones" | Eddie Fuerte
Subscribe to us on YouTube and Twitch! -
Eddie Fuerte
MegaVisions Twitch
Opening: "ScrubVerse Theme - Wily" by Kubaluka
Closing: "The King of All Monsters" by SpaceGhost
Music Provided by OCRemix
Microsoft Made Enough Profit In Past 3 Months To Pay For Bethesda Acquisition Twice
Roger Craig Smith takes his leave from voicing Sonic the Hedgehog
AMD expects PC and next-gen chip shortages through first half of 2021